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    Taiwan China travel 結果共58筆

  • Taiwan to potentially lift travel group bans to China soon

    The Travel Agents Association Chairman, Hsiao Po-jen, has announced that the Taiwanese government may lift travel group bans to China before Chinese New Year in 2024. Minister Wang Kwo-tsai of Transportation and Communications and Mainland Affairs Council revealed that the MOTC Tourist Administration Director General, Chou Yung-Hui, confirmed plans to lift restrictions on Taiwanese travel groups just before the holiday next year. The ban on private arrangement of group tours to China has been in place since the Covid-19 pandemic, making this decision a significant move to enhance diplomatic relations between the two states. The MAC has also announced plans to restore cross-strait group tours, initially allowing 2,000 visitors per day from China. The lift on travel restrictions may come earlier than expected if China expresses goodwill to welcome tourists from across the Strait.
    2023/11/05 15:04
  • MOTC plans to open tour groups to China before CNY

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Transportation and Communications plans to open up tour groups to China and allow Chinese tour groups to Taiwan by March 1, 2024. However, some travel agencies find the pace of this "un-banning" too slow and have admitted to organizing tour groups to China under the guise of "visiting groups." This ban, which has lasted for over three years, has severely impacted over 90% of Taiwan’s 4,000 plus travel agencies operating in the Chinese market.
    2023/11/04 12:29
  • KMT’s Hou Yu-ih vows to boost tourism in Taiwan

    KMT presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih unveils a bold plan to attract 18 million foreign tourists if elected as Taiwan’s next president. Hou believes that tourism is a reflection of national strength and aims to counter the economic recession by boosting the industry. His proposed policy includes a 15% increase in the budget to improve infrastructure, such as airports, ports, the High Speed Rail, and the Taiwan Railway. In response to a recent incident involving a Taiwanese tour group in Xinjiang, Hou criticizes the government for not lifting restrictions on group tours to China, leading to privately arranged travel groups.
    2023/10/31 13:30
  • Taiwan awaits China to lift travel ban: Premier Chen

    Premier Chen Chien-jen expresses disappointment at mainland China’s lack of response to Taiwan’s efforts to resume cross-strait tourism. Taiwan had hoped to lift the travel ban in the second half of this year but has not received a response.
    2023/10/17 15:58
  • Chinese tour groups may not visit until 2024: MOTC minister

    Mainland Chinese tour groups may not be able to visit Taiwan until next year, according to Minister of Transportation and Communications Wang Kwo-tsai. Despite Taiwan’s efforts to lift the travel ban in the second half of this year, mainland China has not responded. The Mainland Affairs Council has allowed mainland Chinese citizens from third places to visit Taiwan for tourism since September 1.
    2023/10/16 14:38
  • Chinese officials exclusion from travel expo raises concerns

    China’s Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council on Wednesday (June 28) urged Taiwan authorities to lift restrictions on cross-strait travel and prioritize the exchange of information on the tourism industry amid reports that 60 mainland officials were removed from an invitation list to attend Summer Travel Expo in Taipei from July 14 to 17.
    2023/06/28 18:45
  • Ex-President Ma heads to Shanghai to visit Yangshan Port

    Former Taiwan President Ma Ying-jeou arrived in Shanghai on Wednesday (April 5) as he heads to the Yangshan Port, one of the last travel destinations on his 12-day-long China journey.
    2023/04/05 18:38
  • Taiwan orders 16 Boeing planes for NT$139.8 billion

    Although international travel is still not back to normal, China Airlines called for a meeting with its Board of Directors. They passed a decision to purchase 16 Boeing 787-9 passenger planes, with an estimated price tag of NT$139.8 billion. The move has raised much speculation about whether it has to do with the recent U.S. delegations’ visits to Taiwan.
    2022/09/23 14:22
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